About Us
SuperMetalix, Inc., was formed to commercialize the novel, cutting-edge research in super-hard metals being undertaken by Dr. Richard B. Kaner and his colleagues at UCLA’s Kaner Laboratory.
Through proprietary formulations developed, SuperMetalix has created cost-efficient industry competitive materials. Under the continued scientific leadership of Dr. Kaner and Dr. Turner, SuperMetalix has licensed patents from UCLA; furthermore, SuperMetalix has a number of patents pending and IP generation that will not only maintain its position at the forefront of technological developments, but is poised to revolutionize the market, by producing cost-efficient super-hard metallic composites far superior to today’s commonly-used hard metals.
Jack Kavanaugh, MD, MBA
Chairman, Acting CEO
Dr. Kavanaugh has served as CEO and Chairman at a number of technology-driven startups, creating industry-leading products and investor profits.
Richard Kaner, PhD
Chair of Scientific Advisory Board
In his research in organic and materials chemistry, Professor Richard B. Kaner focuses on the design of new high-temperature materials and their synthesis by new chemical methods.
Christopher Turner, PhD
Chief Science Officer
For over a decade, Chris has worked on researching and developing superhard, refractory metals for industrial applications.
Robert Snukal
Member, Board of Directors
Robert Snukal, the chief executive officer of National Quality Care, Inc., will use his expertise to develop prototypes and launch initial products in a number of industries.
Mahi de Silva
Member, Board of Directors
Mahi de Silva is a Silicon Valley veteran with a strong track record for creating, financing, building and scaling businesses that have had a $1B+ exits.
Kesh Keshavan, PhD
Director of Development
Dr. Kesh Keshavan has 30 years of experience in the field of Superhard materials. In that time he has held a number of positions within the oil and gas sector, creating partnerships with universities, national laboratories and other industries.